Getting pregnant is not as easy as it seems, and it often takes longer than one expects. Human conception is known to be an inefficient process. In fact, there’s only about a 15 to 20 percent chance you’ll conceive each month, even when you’re actively trying. This means that for many couples, seeing a fertility specialist is an essential part of making a family. Sometimes you need patience. Sometimes you need help. That’s where a fertility specialist enters the picture.
1.      Sometimes it's a good idea to get a consult before you even start trying to proactively look for any probable health issues which may affect fertility potential. That’s where pre-conception check-up and counseling with a fertility specialist helps. She may also tell you about fertile window and tell you the ways of optimizing your natural fertility potential
2.      Seeing a specialist may help you get the information you need up front to be proactive and get the appropriate treatment quickly, if necessary.
3.      It can be more time efficient to address potential problems before they arise, and for many, seeing a specialist may just provide some reassurance.
4.      In this era of specialization, it is always more prudent to seek help from a specialist who is handling this issue every day. In a generalist practice, like your GP, or Gynec, your issue may get diluted, and may not get you the best possible treatment option.
5.      Speaking with a fertility specialist does not mean that you need to start a treatment right away. It is merely a conversation to help you collect information so you can make an educated decision about what to do next and how to best build your family.
6.      Fertility Specialist is the most suited person to take you through any of the assisted reproduction procedure, should you need them. She will help you in deciding on the correct treatment form based on your history, symptoms and clinical findings. She will also discuss with the probability of results, risk & benefit of the procedure and implications thereof.
7.      If as a new couple, who has started planning a family, if you meet a fertility specialist, and supposing you end up with having difficulty in conception, you would be very familiar with her, so it would be easier and more practical for you to discuss your further options with her.
Some common factors that contribute to difficulty in conceiving are:
·         A woman under 35 has been unable to get pregnant after one year of regular, unprotected intercourse.
·         A woman who ovulates irregularly (or not at all) hasn't responded to previous drug treatment.
·         A woman has had a history of three or more miscarriages.
·         A woman has a blockage or scarring of her fallopian tubes.
·         A woman needs microsurgery or treatment for endometriosis
·         A couple has a known risk factor, such as a history of genital infections or pelvic inflammatory disease, irregular periods, undescended testicles, etc.
·         A man's semen analysis shown a low sperm count, poor motility (movement), or poor morphology (structure).
·         A couple is considering assisted reproductive technologies, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) or Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).
·         A couple has "unexplained infertility" (their basic tests have come back normal, but they haven't had luck in conceiving).
At Dr Rita Modi’s Fertility & IVF, we are here to give you the caring support that you deserve as you start or grow your family. We offer you efficient treatment with excellent success rates done in an ethical and transparent manner with optimum utilization of resources.
For more information visit: www.drritamodifertilityandivf.com
contact: 9167349674

benefits of seeing a Fertility specialist | Fertility specialist | fertility | natural fertility | miscarriages | IVF  |ICSI | treatment for endometriosis | inflammatory disease | reproductive technologies | unexplained infertility | 
in Thane | Mulund | Bhandup | Powai | Saki Naka | Bhiwandi | Airoli | Andheri |


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