
Showing posts from January, 2020


INFERTILITY IN MEN…GET TESTED TODAY Not only a woman but man also suffers from Infertility diseases. Infertility is a condition in which couples are not able to conceive a child, even after frequent, unprotected sexual intercourse for a year or longer. The main sign of male infertility is the inability to conceive a child. Common signs of Infertility in Men • Changes in Sexual Desires • Pain or Swelling in Testicles • Problem in Maintaining Erection • Problems with Ejaculation • Smaller Testicles Diagnosis of Male Infertility Today various advanced and effective diagnosis methods are used to detect male infertility. Important diagnosis methods include: • Physical Examination and Medical History of patient • Semen Analysis • Scrotal Ultrasound • Hormone Test • Testicular Biopsy • Tranrectal Ultrasound • Post-Ejaculation Urinalysis • Sperm Function Test Various advanced and effective treatments such as Hormone treatments, medications, Surgery and Assisted re...


In an Infertility condition, partner is unable to conceive a child, despite having frequent, unprotected sexual intercourse for a year or longer time. Good Male fertility plays an important role in getting pregnant. In a normal situation, man's body makes tiny cells called as sperm. During sex, ejaculation normally delivers the sperm into the woman's body. The mal e reproductive system produces stores and transports sperm. During ejaculation, the sperm go into the female partner's vagina. The sperm travel through her cervix into uterus and reaches to fallopian tubes where sperm and egg meet and fertilization occurs. Male fertility is mainly depending on the sperm production and delivery of sperms. Causes of Male Infertility: • Abnormal sperm production due to un-descended testicles, genetic defects, health problems such as diabetes and other diseases. • Sperm delivery issues due to sexual problems such as premature ejaculation and certain genetic disorders. ...