
Showing posts from November, 2018
DETECTING OVULATION FROM CERVICAL MUCUS Ovulation is part of the normal menstruation cycle and it happens about 14 days before a woman gets her period. It is the release of an egg (ovum) from an ovary. Cervical mucus and ovulation is interlinked. This mucus is usually yellow, white or cloudy. It feels sticky or tacky. Dr Rita Modi is an expert in infertility related diseases. Dr Rita Modi is an IVF specialist in Thane, Mumbai.                 For more information visit: Phone: 9167349674/9619710185   IVFexpert | IVFdoctor | IVFspecialist | Infertilitydoctor | ovulationdetection | Infertilityexpert
TUBAL FACTOR INFERTILITY | DR RITA MODI | INFERTILITY EXPERT | IVF EXPERT | THANE Tubal factor infertility occurs when diseases, damage, scarring or obstructions in the fallopian tubes prevent sperm from reaching the ovary to fertilize an egg or prevents a fertilized embryo from reaching the uterus for pregnancy. Tubal factor infertility is most commonly caused by pelvic inflammatory diseases, sexually transmitted diseases or other diseases such as endometriosis. Watch Dr. Rita Modi’s videos on YouTube and consult her to know more about IVF procedure and Infertility treatment at Dr.Rita Modi’s fertility and IVF clinic in thane. For more information visit website: Phone: +91-9619710185 Infertilityspecialist | IVFspecialist | intravitrofertilization | IVFexpert | IVFtreatment | tubalfactorinfertility
5 infertility success stories Case-1 I am 38 and my wife is 35 years old. We have been married for 11 years and living in Pune. My wife has undergone 2 missed pregnancies ( in 2013 & 2015). Both the times it has been very traumatic experience for two of us and our families. In last few years, we had a feeling of huge vacuum in our lives in the absence of a child. One of our cousins who stays in Mumbai got pregnant after 10 years of marriage thanks to Dr. Rita Modi’s treatment. We saw a ray of hope and decided to give it one more attempt before we decide on child adoption. We contacted Dr. Rita Modi. What encouraged us was prompt & precise response to all our queries. With every interaction with Dr. Rita Modi the trust level was rising. And finally we decided to take the plunge; we fixed an appointment and planned our visit to Mumbai in March 2016. For the first visit to Dr. Rita Modi my wife had travelled with her parents. However, in this 1st meeting itse...