
Showing posts from August, 2018

Effect of Age in male and female fertility

The major cause of Infertility problem in male and female is the growing Age. Women’s fertility starts to decline in her early 30’s. After crossing age of 35, female fertility reduces rapidly. Men’s age also affect the chances of conceiving partner. Watch Dr. Rita Modi’s videos on You tube and consult her to know more about ICSI procedure at Dr.Rita Modi’s fertility and IVF clinic in thane. For more information visit our website: Contact us:   Phone : +91-9167349674 Email:


VAGINAL DRYNESS SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS Vaginal Dryness is common after menopause in women. It occurs due to the low level of estrogen and affects women of all age. Vaginal dryness creates pain and discomfort during intercourse. Symptoms include painful sex, frequent urinary tract infections and itching in the vagina. Water based lubricants and vaginal moisturizers can be used to overcome vaginal dryness during intercourse. General treatment is topical estrogen therapy. Dr Rita Modi is an expert in fertility related diseases. Dr Rita Modi is well known Infertility and IVF specialist in Thane, Mumbai.   For more information visit: Phone:  9167349674 #IVFexpert #IVFdoctor #IVFspecialist #Infertilitydoctor #Vaginaldrynesssigns #vaginaldrnesssymptoms #Infertilityexpert #vaginaldynesstreatment

Everything you need to know about IVF

Science has played an important role in making human life simple and comfortable. Everyday new medical technology is coming in human life to reduce human problems. Today many couples are facing infertility problems. The advanced technology also has found the solution to help such couples to make their life with full of joy and happiness.    Most of the couples who are facing infertility problems chose IVF process in india. In Vitro Fertilization, better known as IVF, was developed in the mid-1970s, though research on IVF had been conducted since the late 1800s. The first proven birth as a result of IVF occurred in England in 1978. Since then, IVF has assisted in the conception and birth of tens of thousands of babies each year in the world. Here are some important things you need to know if you are considering IVF to help you conceive. How does IVF work? IVF is a procedure that begins by removing a woman's eggs from her ovaries and then fertilizing them outsid...